A week full of experiments with class 4a
Eine Woche lang hat die Klasse 4a experimentiert und Versuche rund um das Element "Luft" durchgeführt. Hier die Ergebnisse:
One week of experiments with the element "air": Class 4a has done many experiments and here you can see the results:
"We need air"
- Without air, human beings would die. Air conteins oxigen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and inert gas. We need oxigen to be able to breath
- also rain needs the air. Rain needs cold and warm air to meet.
- in our classromm is also air. If there is a lack of oxigen, we get tired. Many people in a room use the oxigen and they produce carbon dioxide (CO2).
- Our brain needs oxigen to be able to think!
You need: an air balloon, dental floss, a straw, paper, pencil, tape, and for example two chairs to fix the floss.
How to do it:
Thread the floss through the straw and fix the straw between the two chairs. Now fix the air balloon on the straw. Fix a paper or letter on the air balloon. Now blow the ballon and let the air out. The ballon will move along the floss.
What you can see:
The balloon will carry only the paper, if the paper is folded. If the paper is too big, it stoppes the balloon and the letter will not arrive on the other side.
Children have been folding airjets and trying to find out, why an airplane can fly.
The result:
The air, that flows over the wings is faster then the air that flows under the wings. So air produces a suction that makes the airplane fly.
You need: a bottle, a cone, a cup, modelling dough, water and a flexible tube:
Put the cone on top of the bottle and close the bottle with the modelling dough. Fix the flexible tube on the side of the bottle like you can see in the picture.
If you fill now water in the bottle through the cone, what do you think?
Will the water flow through the tube into the cup?
Try and find out :-)
You need: a candle, a cup, lightning sticks, water and a small bowl.
How to do it: First but water in the bowl. Now put the lighted candle into the water and then take the cup and put it over the candle.
This is what happens: The candle estinguishs as soon as there is no more oxigen in the cup. The same time, you can see, that water is moving into the cup. The candle is floating and the cup adherses on the bottom of the bowl.
If you are very brave you can do this experiment:
Take a cup of water and put a thin plate on top. Now turn the cup upside down, but keep holding the plate!
What do you think? Will the cup hold the plate itself?
Yeees it is working! Air presses the plate against the cup and the water can't flow out. :-)
The airballoon torpedo :-)
A very nice and easy experiment: You can see it on the video at the end of this page as well.
Some children have built little cars that move with the help of air.
Building a special "airplane" and trying to find out how it can fly:
You need a straw and paper. On the picture you can see how it should look like.
This special airplane can only fly, if the smaller tube is on the front.
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